Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Non-profit status update

So... we're still waiting on the IRS to approve the non-profit status of the Wee Dream Foundation. Huge apologies to anyone and everyone who is patiently awaiting the number for taxes, but there's not a lot we can do. We had a small snafu we're trying to iron out with them - but in the meantime, it's a waiting game.

We will post here and on Facebook when it's resolved. Thank you for your patience - we hope to have this in hand soon!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A wonderful day!

Our golf tournament/fundraiser was everything we wanted it to be - and so, so much more! The rain passed us by and we had gorgeous blue Texas skies (and a little chill, but our golfers didn't seem to mind). We raised $23,000 (!) that day alone, bringing our total to more than $60,000! For those of you keeping score, that's a whole $40,000 OVER our initial goal. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

Thank you, thank you to everyone who supported this effort with love, prayer, time, donations, etc. etc. etc... it wouldn't have come off without you. To everyone who passed along the email, blog address, and info on the fundraiser - THAT'S how we got to where we did. In 46 days to raise this much money - I think it's pretty remarkable. Thank you for spreading the word so quickly - you guys are superstars!

To the Luphers - thank you for letting us be a part of your family for the day - you are an incredible group of people and you have touched our hearts forever.

We will post photos and final proceed numbers when we have them - stay tuned!  :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Golfing update (possible rain)

The advantage of being before the sun on a Saturday morning is that I caught the Channel 2 story again at 6:00am! How they run it all weekend!

Right now there is a 50% chance of rain for Monday. Please check in here and/or our Facebook page to see if there are any changes... we're hoping and praying for beautiful Texas weather, but you know how these storms are.

Stay tuned.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hitting the news!

Here's a link to the story Channel 2 did on the Lupher families!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Channel 2

Channel 2 is showing the interview with the Lupher Families and Wee Dream Foundation.  This will air on the 5:00 p.m. news tonight.  If you would like to make a donation to help these 2 wonderful families, send check to:

Wee Dream Foundation
c/o Sean & Angie Goings
14522 Dunsmore Place
Cypress, TX 77429